Asbestos cement sheets


In last few decades there has been a tenfold increase in natural disasters worldwide. Many of these natural disasters cause extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure which undoubtedly leads to large amounts of asbestos fibre being released creating a ‘hidden’ risk to first responders, emergency services and volunteers alike. 
Rather than simply ordering another expensive asbestos management survey, better results can often be obtained by better updating your asbestos register and managing your documents. This is by far a more effective way of managing asbestos. 
So you've had an asbestos survey done of your property. Great another tick in the box, or is it? Actually no, a survey is only the start. To actually comply with the law you need to manage the asbestos you’ve now found you have. 

Why fit test? 

RPE fit testing is a way of ensuring a tight fitting facepiece provides an adequate seal to the wearers face. It is instrumental in identifying which facepiece is suitable, but perhaps more importantly which facepieces are not suitable for the wearer. It is a legal requirement for all tight fitting respirators to be fit tested.